28 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi

Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android

Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android - To download application Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android for free in apk.hipandroid.net , your android phone has been rooted . . can work for all applications in this blog, all the apps in my blog is the full version and get apk or zip file, the download is very simple: select the desired file and click on " Download Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android " Just a few simple steps and you enjoy the application Android Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android
Plume for Twitter 5.36.2 APK Android

Plume is a beautiful and fully customizable Twitter app that will revolutionize the way you use Twitter! Presented by the authors of the popular Beautiful Widgets , Plume is one of the best Twitter client for Android! ( Plume was formerly known as Touiteur )
- Colorize your timeline / friends from Twitter
- Several Twitter accounts Assistance
- scroll widgets to display your twitter timeline on your home
- LockScreen Widget (Android 4.2)
- mute twitter users , word or applications
- Facebook timeline display
- Live streaming in the App
- Preview photos in timeline, great view images with pinch to zoom
- Twitter geotagging
- Swipe scrolling
very customizable - internal browser
- Autocomplete twitter hashtags
and username - Share photo with Twitter, Twitpic , Yfrog , mobypicture , MyPict.me
- Bit.ly support for your URL
- Inline twitter conversation
- Display replies to a tweet
Display twitter profiles - Pull to refresh
- more
Plume is a beautiful, highly customizable Twitter client , which will change the way you feel about Twitter

for more information , please visit Google Play

Version: 5.36.2
Size: 4.7 MB
Requires Android: Varies with device

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