20 Nisan 2014 Pazar

CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files

CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files

April 3, 2014
< class = Hr style style " - h" = "margin- left: 0px ; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/> current Version:
< class = hr style style" - h " = "margin -left: 0px; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; " /> Size
< class = hr style style " - h" = "margin -left: 0px; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; " />
Requires Android < b>
2.3 and

Chaos Tournament HD - Tournament Official on chaos game developed
** for later and more powerful Android devices ONLY **
C ' is # 1 helicopter Simulator multiplayer .
Buy the HD version you will get :
- High- resolution graphics
- Improved sound effects
- The parameters of antialiasing
- And GOLD 200 bonus (this is the equivalent of $ 2)
Chaos - the fight against assault Helicopter Simulator operation
the main difference Chaos tournament with connection that you will win 200 gold from the starting point (ie ~ 2 Advantages USD)
tournament Chaos - an opportunity to go through the new military adventure in the sky, but in the more rigorous and competitive environment. If you are an experienced pilot - test your skills in battle, the fight against the rigid rules of our tournaments with those who already have significant experience in the management of helicopter gunships. If you are new - prove that you are a rising star, or ... or fall from the sky
. The motto of the tournament Chaos: In heaven, there will be one ! features:
- Price
- Video of the struggle for the analysis and preparation for battle
Available - 2 types of tournaments : Regular (includes three leagues ) and elite (for experienced Fighters )
- Incorporating games with game Center and Facebook
- helicopter Simulator and realistic game packed with action and events
- Model helicopter very detailed major manufacturers including the United States , Russia and Europe ( AH-64 "Apache" , UH-60 "Black Hawk" MI-24 "Hind " , Ka-52 "Alligator " Rah -66 "Comanche ") and other
- visual and Sound Effects unique
- Real maps and battle sites
- 8 training mission , you can prepare the passage of air re training mission
- Ability to improve performance and upgrade for your helicopter weapons
- Medals and orders for professionalism in the battle Powered
- detailed statistics defense achievements , which is available in the game and on the website
Add friends , participate in tournaments , improve skills training mission battle between tournaments and online battles , and earn rewards and titles .
How to install Chaos Tounament HD:
1. Download APK file and data files.
2 . APK install Thurs
3 . Extract data files with winrar .
4 Copy the folder. " com.skyjet.chaosarenahd " in the way " / sdcard / Android / OBB / "
5 . Enjoy Thurs
- Some minor changes and bug fixes
If you want to download the game APK : Chaos Tournament HD - v6.1.8 APK data files android , click the following links ( Wait 5 dried , then click "Place an ad " to go to the download page < / b > ) .

Google Play Link CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files

- TusFiles -
Size: ( 15 MB )

- data Files -
Size: (136 M B )
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/>
- Uppit -
Size: ( 15 MB )

- data Files -
Size: ( 136 M B)
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/>
Zippyshare - -
Size: ( 15 MB)

- data Files - < / b>
Size: ( 136 M B )
CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files
- v5.3.2 APK : TusFiles UPAFile Zippyshare
data files: TusFiles UPAFile Zippyshare
CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto ; margin-right : auto; width: 100% ; "/> - v1.2.1 APK : Sharebeast Zippyshare
data files: Sharebeast Zippyshare < / b>
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto; margin-right : auto; width: 100% ; "/> - v1.1.1 APK : Sharebeast Zippyshare
data files: Sharebeast Zippyshare < / b>
CHAOS HD Tournament - v6.1.8 APK data files

Tmnt Rooftop Run Apk indir


Oyun Açıklamsı 

Koşmak, atlamak ve bir kez ve herkes için , kötülüklerin New York kurtulmak gibi çatılarının yolunuzu mücadele .

Size öncesindeKraang geminin bir adım tutacak özel silahlar , dişli ve artırır kilidini enerji küreler toplamak . Tek tuşla kontrol epik bir oyun deneyimi için ninja hamle ve kabuk şok edici savaşları ile birleştirir . BOOYAKASHA !

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Rooftop Run ek in- app içerik için gerçek para ücretleri . Cihazınızın ayarlarını ayarlayarak in-app içeriği satın almayeteneğini kilitleyebilir .

Özelliği :
Foot Clan , Kraang ve Dimension X dahil düşman savaş ordularını

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Laserbot ve Kaplumbağa Saver gibi silahlar , araçlar ve boostlar ile Yükseltme
Unlock veKaplumbağalar'ın müthiş köpek düşman Dogpound olarak oynamak
Pizza zaman mini oyun ödülleri kazanın
Bu sürümde yenilikler: ( Güncelleme: 17 Nisan 2014 )
Yeni unlockable karakter Casey Jones !
Küçük düzeltmeler ve geliştirmeler
Gerekli Android O / S : 2.2 +

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Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)

Descargar Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)
Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)

¡Un infame cazador y su lacayo amenazan con arrebatar a los animales de sus familias en la naturaleza! Tu emocionante aventura comienza con un safari para rescatarlos del peligro. Dales la bienvenida a tu maravillosa reserva y ayúdalos a crecer fuertes y a salvo con el apoyo de tu equipo de profesionales.

Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)

✓¡Comienza el juego! Sigue una intrigante historia de aventuras.
✓Disfruta de los preciosos gráficos en 3D que hace que los animales y la naturaleza cobren vida, así como los animales más monos, los dinosaurios, unos escenarios espectaculares...

✓Explora la vida salvaje en 7 mapas especiales: sabana, selva, montaña, pradera y región polar.
✓Busca animales y dinosaurios y llévalos a tu reserva.
Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)

✓Usa la máquina del tiempo para viajar al pasado y explorar el mundo de los dinosaurios
✓Lánzate a nuevas aventuras para salvar a los dinosaurios salvajes

✓Consigue especies legendarias como el unicornio y el fénix, críalas y forma familias felices.
✓Personaliza tu reserva con plantas, pozos de los deseos, tiendas de regalos de lo más monos y restaurantes. Hay multitud de opciones para personalizar tu reserva y proporcionar a los visitantes la mejor experiencia... ¡con dinosaurios!

✓Libera a los animales para salvar a su especie de la extinción
✓Repuebla los distintos entornos para desbloquear a sus Guardianes legendarios

✓Embárcate en un safari con tus amigos y combinad vuestras habilidades de adiestrador, rastreador y explorador para aumentar las posibilidades de rescatar a un animal.
✓Interacciona con tus amigos, visítalos y ayúdalos para crear un Wonder Zoo repleto de animales felices.


Instalar APK
Poner la carpeta de datos en Android/Data/
Y Jugar Online la primer vez

Descargar Wonder Zoo Animal rescue v1.6.1 APK MOD (Oro y Mani Ilimitados)

Next Launcher 3D Shell 3.10 APK Descargar Gratis

Descargar Next Launcher 3D Shell 3.10 APK
Next Launcher 3D Shell 3.10 APK Descargar Gratis

Next Launcher 3D muestra cómo los efectos dinámicos en 3D y aplicación Android altamente personalizable reemplazo de la pantalla de inicio podrían redefinir su dispositivo Android. Es hora de deshacerse de el lanzador tradicional plana y abrazar VERDADERO Lanzador 3D! Te lo mereces!
Indique su próxima Lanzador Shell 3D ahora mismo!
Únete a millones de usuarios de experiencia en el sistema final y la espléndida y el disfrute visual!
¦ Testimonios
"Uno de los más fuertemente personalizable , fluida y lanzadores notables que hemos visto aquí en Redmond Pie. " - Redmond Pie
" Una aplicación precioso lleno de efectos dinámicos y elementos 3D . Los elementos gratificantes 3D visuales, efectos de transición, y los gestos le conseguirá un disfrute visual diferente y brillante y experiencia en el sistema " - . Topapps
" El lanzador cuenta con efectos 3D locos, convirtiendo cualquier dispositivo que posee en un viaje de Tron -céntrico futurista. Con temas adicionales y widgets personalizados descargables desde Google Play, que es una opción amplia y muy completa para alguien que busca para darle vida a su dispositivo " 

Next Launcher 3D Shell 3.10 APK Descargar Gratis

¦ Características principales
- Efecto 3D extremadamente elegante con experiencia suave mantecoso
- Efectos Real 3D Pantalla principal de Transición ( Crystal, tela , plegable y más próximamente)
- Impresionante vista previa de pantalla 3D con animación deslumbrante de cambio de pantalla
- Construir estilo único icono cambiando su tamaño, ángulo , estilo y etiqueta ( Editor de iconos )
- Combinar todas las buenas partes de diferentes temas en torno a un único tema que realmente me gusta ( Mix Mode Tema )
- Eficiente y potente gestión de aplicaciones de proceso por lotes con gestos
- Hasta 8 gestos diferentes disponibles en la pantalla de inicio y el cajón de aplicación
- Ver cómo enfriar su teléfono podría estar soplando todos los iconos y los widgets en el espacio aéreo (modo flotante )
- Mejora de los efectos de frontera brillantes para la transición pantalla de inicio
- Hasta 7 filas en el muelle de acceso directo a todos sus favoritos
- Mantenga la liberación 3D Controles Siguiente , temas y fondos de pantalla en 3D en vivo especial diseñado por GO Launcher Dev Team

1 . ¿Por qué tengo que fijar Siguiente Lanzador como reemplazo de la pantalla de inicio por defecto cada vez después de algunos dispositivos renovadas ?
Un error en el sistema Android 4.1.x causa el problema. Si por casualidad usted encuentra este problema, descargue Siguiente Lanzador Patchin Google Play y seguir los tutoriales para arreglarlo.
2 . ¿Cómo evitar los elementos de la pantalla principal de cargar problema?
Por favor, no instale Siguiente Lanzador de 3D ??en su tarjeta SD . Esto ayudará a evitar los elementos de la pantalla principal loading problema debido a SDcard retardo en la carga si reinicia el teléfono o quitar SDCard .
3 . Cómo usar iconos en los temas GO Launcher ?
Instalar un tema Go Launcher -> Haga clic en "Siguiente Key " -> Haga clic en "Theme Mix" -> Haga clic en los elementos de escritorio brillantes -> Encuentra el tema GO Launcher y aplicarlo.
Si no ha podido aplicar algunos temas , por favor enviar temas nombre y su próxima versión Launcher para nextlauncher@gmail.com . Nosotros vamos a seguir lo antes posible.
Nos esforzamos por ser mejores que nosotros , ofreciendo el mejor reemplazo de la pantalla de inicio de Android para usted! Gracias por su apoyo!

¿Qué hay de nuevo
la V3.10
1 . (Nuevo) Soporta siguiente, pulse en el modo 3D.
. 2 (Nuevo) editor de efectos de transición de pantalla de inicio en modo 3D ( tecla Siguiente -> Transición )
3 . ( Mejora ) Experiencia de modo 3D.
4 . ( Fijo ) Algunos errores FC.

Descargar Next Launcher 3D Shell 3.10 APK

Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files

Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files

April 2, 2014
< class = Hr style style " - h" = "margin- left: 0px ; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/> current Version:
< class = hr style style" - h "=" margin-left : 0px; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/> Size
< class = hr style style" - h "=" margin-left : 0px; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/>
Requires Android < b>
2.2 and

Updated *** DE THE BETA ? Please see the footnotes .
*** Nation Nitro line takes drag racing to the next level with the 3D world full of new customizable cars beautiful, amazing race physics and unlimited gameplay depth that guarantees unforgettable experience riders , all on your mobile device!
You will be immersed in racing at high speed and competitions along the way you will meet many characters, win awards and become a top rider in the farm clubs. The World of Nations Nitro offers a wide range of genuine licensed cars , with real physics and many customization options.
Grounding System fully charged level allows you to choose the best combination of improvements that continued various cars , distance and conditions. Let your beauty shine with incredible car customization : Choose wheels, windows and color for each part of your car , add limited and flexible use our unique system to add decals to any part of your car , you can do it all in Nations Nitro !
Read the length of the runway and the pursuit of the best updates to your car. Some cars are good on 1/8 or 1/4, while others are better for most 1/2, and peaked could be the best on the longest track 1 mile. Win trophies and use them to upgrade your car .
A wide range of achievements gives every player the chance to shine. Successfully for various collectibles , even the only car ! This is a fantastic opportunity to show what you can save and earn the respect of your fellow racers .
* Race over 50 licensed cars from Honda, Volkswagen , BMW, Alfa Romeo , Ford, Mazda and other world-class brands
* Going around in places too heavily detailed
* Customize your car with different colors , visual effects and hundreds of decals
* updated with unique pieces and set your engine and gearbox to work in perfect harmony
* Win MILLIONS on price and upgrade your car to save even more !
* Earn up to 80 achievements ranging in difficulty
* Ride for your club - > Win respects -> Climb the ranks -> PROFIT
* Set records and focus on the top the world with a sophisticated ranking system
much .. and there are more to come! Most beautiful cars, more detailed tracks , free market, private teams , special events - all in our monthly updates
How to install Nitro Nations:
1. Download the APK file and data files.
2 . APK install Thurs
3 . Extract data files with winrar .
4. Copy " com.creativemobile.nno " file " / sdcard / Android / OBB / ."
5. Start Thurs
If you want to download the game APK : Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files for Android , click the following links ( Wait 5 dried , and then click on "Place an ad " to go to the download page ) .

Google Play Link Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files

- TusFiles -
Size: ( 41 MB )

- data Files -
Size: ( 44M B )
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/>
- Uppit -
Size: ( 41 MB )

- data Files -
Size: ( 44M B )
< class = hr style style " - h" "margin- left = : auto; margin-right : auto; width : 20%; "/>
Zippyshare - -
Size: ( 41 MB)

- data Files - < / b>
Size: ( 44M B )
Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files
Nitro Nation - v1.0 APK data files

Intelligent IR Remote - universal IR v1.7.8

Smart Remote IR is the way of universal IR remote control Application for Android rightly that before you ever need to have , it is really sensitive , using the insurance product that is large ( 700,000 unscrew with more asthma ALE daily and cum on request), and it is on your own using the characteristics rightly those phone / tablet has the plastic distance (as Logitech Harmony) in any way possible . As IR remote control regulates the head off, remote regulates in particular Android, you 'll never see a single light better!
/ > Remote works with any type of chip using the Samsung HTC devices with IR Basseterre , cum cum well another company phone / tablet with an IR Basseterre which runs Android 4.4 or higher can be actually provided by the manufacturers, as well Galaxy S5 cum cum fresh HTC One M8 . Better yet, Smart Remote IR path all the functions and more custom ROM like CyanogenMod .
/ > Smart Remote IR is definitely the way of the common reasonable practical application of remote control that could control who receives most situations infrared directions , On television , the main business area (TV -Box and cum cum cable and satellite ), DVD Blu -ray , Blu -ray Gamble , VCR, amplifier , Air conditioning, AV beneficiary DSLR digital camera , jump back. In addition, you can mix possible sensible Remotes (activities) that jump on the first cum container away a tailor made have real control keys for the revolver around technique, control key funnel those well Managua established cum controlling key display Managua TV . This is the common television remote could legitimately Android Android achieve , even if other Android devices too manipulation / >
What's New - Added remote improved
process - corrections bugs very dashboards small improvements in the user interface
/ >

Require 4.0.3 and Up Size 8.8 MB

Google Play

The child • Time Lapse • Pro v4.50

Loss This is a good award-winning all-inclusive application designed to capture incredible moves Prevention time lapse video clips with all your Android device , easy and fast. spontaneous
simply no need for expensive photography GEAR, you simply must have this
Lapse / > powerful features and VERY UNIQUE . ● Get
spectacular shots while using the camera sensor while
attractive user interface ● ● strengthen visual and ease of use and blazing fast single
Reynders engine ● ability to putt appear in paths
pace ● ● custom Frame India movement mode
● import ALE solutions (program or digital camera) , even
● Reynders to MP4 , MOV, FLV ● upload directly to YouTube / >
● Consequences separate gorgeous.
target ● Adjustable polished balance and picture settings .
● Built-in period Lapse interpersonal Gallery .
● ● ● video modification period
in turn get
● Generally Shanghai and quickly help

● silent camera ( some cell phones will not help IT) Top
● ● deal with camera with
capture screen information throughout ● whole easily flexible configurations included
● rules just for north to capture a subject or even envelopes
● reviewed and authorized by a much simpler after 50,000 people / > What
New • Very fast image capture. •
square function to give Instagram.
• Program appointment at the same time . • Support ISO
• In case you acquired your current resolution capture Reynders problems manifestation high as anyone can establish intended for better compatibility . •
the other folder currently derives directly facilitates picking " . use sdcard"
• Other small problems repaired by the previous variability
If you like Forfeiture , do not forget to take time we all have a great supplier evaluation . it really helps
. Thank you very much!
/ >

Require 1.6 and Up Size 5.9MB < / b>

Google Play
/ > ACP